Sunday, June 18, 2017

The global power of China's economy

Speaking about the enormous shipping container port of Chian, ranked as the biggest in the world is something that we should think about in the Philippines.

The condition of export and import business of China is skyrocketing, and we can no longer fathom the the depths of the Chinese influence in trade, that even the US is now hurt by the magnitude and size of the china economy based on trade and commerce.

The presentation in the video alone is enough to convince our government, our lawmakers and those in positions to think and study the challenges imposed by china on us, and make counter the dominance of Chinese power over our trade and as much as possible secure the defense of our economy against the onslaught of chines products received int he country.

We are struggling to survive in the global competition and influence of other countries that had already affected our own growth and make difficult the living conditions of our people made by the effects of trade imbalance with China and the rest of the world.

Our fear of technology is the reason of all since we have been distancing ourselves in the venture of technological advances that attracts exports, yet, we still ignore the necessity of going research and science as the means of getting attention in trade and commerce.