Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 It is in the country's best interest that we maintain a positive discussion about its economic concerns, which will improve the conditions of our people and our capacity to navigate the world of wealth and politics. 

While the country is suffering on all fronts regarding our ability to exist in trade and politics, actions must be undertaken to remain strong and resilient in the challenges of the onslaught of economic windfalls.

The problem of supply chains controlled by China threatens our survival and will remain a threat unless action is taken to control or manage the situation. In this problem, the government should infuse liberalized policies and regulations on businesses, industries, and manufacturing, which these sectors should be focused on by the government.

The liberalized business sector should carefully balance our liberalized import policies, especially in exporting products. Maintaining this equilibrium is crucial for the overall health of our economy.  

As all countries are concerned about China's handling of the supply chain problem, the Philippines has a crucial role to play. We must guard against the supply chain being controlled and monopolized by China, ensuring our own economic sovereignty.

Therefore, our government should liberalize the private sector and private enterprises to achieve the goals of growth, superiority, and dominance in the region. By the way, the constitution's goal is to provide public welfare for our people; therefore, the government must emphasize this sector more to achieve GDP growth and an economy superior to others.


The recent PSA report on the country's poverty incidence is worth noting. This matter is a significant factor in the government's policymaking regarding the current data impacting the country. As revealed in this survey, we must resolve the conditions of poverty of

our people.

This matter should pay attention to studies and strategies for our concerned offices, particularly the executive branch,  that immediately take action to address the problem.

As this matter emphasizes the injection of new measures to combat the country's poverty problem, it is therefore desired that the people actively participate in shaping the policies that should be prioritized by the government with the participation of the private sector.


The government should now redirect its policies to promoting the private sector as the crucial means of resolving the problem. As embodied in our constitution, the role of private sectors and private enterprises must shape the landscape of our economic growth and productivity, paving the way for a better life for everyone.

This opinion is based on the recent article ZAMBOANGA BARRM THE POOREST IN THE COUNTRY

 As needed, business activity in the country is at its weakest compared to China, Indonesia, Malaysia, and other countries in the Southeast Asian region. There has been an explosion of information regarding these comparisons, and something must be done to level the playing field for us.

Compare the countries around us, particularly Vietnam, which has already surpassed the country in terms of economic growth due to its foreign investments, which is becoming a matter of concern for the governance of this country to seek the goal and security of our people.

While these facts and data are presented to us, action must be taken, and a priority condition should be made promptly.


Manufacturing needs to be our government's priority. Without a solid manufacturing base, our economy cannot hope to lift our people from poverty.

Manufacturing will solve our economy's problems, including foreign debts, inflation, employment, and technology, which will help us provide public welfare for our people. 


The export economy is the best of all because it is about strengthening our financial freedom and the power to not be bullied by foreign economies; it is about self-reliance and independence from foreign sources. It is National Security.

So, the poverty incidence report is something that our government should shift focus on industrial sector of our economy. Because it is only by industrialization of our economy that our country can help our people to have jobs, income and all opportunities that will eradicate the incidence of poverty.