It may be regarded as a deception that truck ban and the color coding schemes in our transport system are used to solve congestion and mitigate traffic problems in the metropolis can be deeply seen as a hoax against needs and realities, and a misstep factor to make our goals for the economy of this nation. It can be viewed as a policy not in entirety serves the purpose of progress and growth aspired, but direction wrongly applied.
Traffic problems may not be blamed in an increased population of cars and trucks but, the low and stagnated growth, improvement of our road network infrastructures and facilities that the government in many years and decades failed on its obligations in perceiving the future increment and development of commerce, industries of the country that said growth should have been equated by these changes of upward transport sector an obligation of the state to infuse infrastructures in the course.
The constriction, limitation of travels, goods deliveries to consummate deals, transactions, that makes the speed of the economy impeded, blocked by this ant-economy, anti-poor law of ruck bans and color codings that should be re-addressed and put forth favor to commerce, trade, and industries as lead policies of the government, not to incur loss to opportunity of growth.
The constriction, limitation of travels, goods deliveries to consummate deals, transactions, that makes the speed of the economy impeded, blocked by this ant-economy, anti-poor law of ruck bans and color codings that should be re-addressed and put forth favor to commerce, trade, and industries as lead policies of the government, not to incur loss to opportunity of growth.
Blaming is not a good spirit to put on the table today, but rather, to see the situation as a matter to make of the problem do not create another problem, but get out of the situation and prioritized liberalized growth the country. The codings and truck bans placed upon people and businesses make the growth of this country slowed down as the truth, and impossibly difficult situation to catch up with the record growth of GDPs of our co-ASEAN countries now exploding away from us is the point that must be on the discussion that would result to a negative assessment of truck bans and codings.
While the speed of commerce is reliant on the speed of production of factories, services, and manufacturing, these growths are only accomplished by an efficient and no-time loss transport sector at any time, that coding and truck bans impede said completion of trade and revenue of businesses and that also is affecting the government in general.
The use of land vehicles is elemental for the economy and the government taking revenue from the people and commerce should have planned and spent a long time ago infrastructures that will absorb the impact of the growth of the private sector and enjoy the benefits of these liberalized growths unrestrained.
The government failed to construct the needed road networks and remained dull and stagnated for a hundred years of those original infrastructures build and in concept by the Americans serving our current road thoroughfares, that our Architectural and Engineering studies reveal that the city plans and programs created by the Americans for our cities remained unchallenged. The loss of long term goals, appreciation of studies, technologies, and goals for GDP were reasons why we have not prospered due to these neglect and unimplemented goals that remained in the drawing boards.
It is killing most the small businesses and budding entrepreneurs struggling hard to survive and meet business obligations being hampered by such bans and codings threatening slowdowns of the economy. If there are only freedom and liberalized economic and commercial programs in the country, it would be fantastic for the economy to growth rapidly.
Even big companies are even affected by vehicular bans and codings due to the same delays it costs generally for these big business leaders to facilitate in a period, cycle of their turnarounds of goods furnished, delivered, and sold.
If the government is serious about our economic growth and willing to put forward the interest of the people who conduct transactions daily, it would be significant that the government may recall truck bands and codings all over and create ways to make road networks efficient aside from constructions being planned at the moment.
Codings and truck bans is a denial for people to speed the economic lives of its taxpayers and a denial for the government to incur positive results of its revenue collections made by the accelerated growths the private sectors can make in a day, a week, a month or a year.
We need to advocate for an outright cancellation of Truck bans and color codings in the country as it delays, impedes economic growth. Said program also is anti-poor and anti-small businesses that make the bulk of our economy, that contrary to this policy, tey should be assisted and promoted to let the country incur more growing businesses that will work towards global, more exports, conquer international markets, and mainly f the greater revenue of the government.
Aside from the road networks now in the drawing boards to solve traffic and road congestion, the experts can still devise at the current to make existing road efficient for routes that would reduce congestion anywhere while said future road infrastructures dreamed once and finally realized.
This opinion is a partial discussion on the subject, though we have no supported links, references of said editorial, the common knowledge available over information technology is satisfactory. There may be more studies involved regarding this subject, but the general perception of color codings and Truck bans is just the retarding effect to the economy because said measures involve the element of time, distance, and volumes. In short, productivity is the underlying matter where other countries had already leaped of their GDP numbers while ours remained below of them.
Like for example, Indonesia which is regarded to be our co-ASEAN neation member has already reachedtrillion dollar economy, that in comparison we have only 300 billion USD GDP economy today.
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