Let's take the subject of the jeepney modernization program of the government in the context of Foreign Direct Investments in the country as a subject matter that would resolve partly our FDI low problem in the country.
As an opinion, the recent media information regarding the jeepney modernization is a positive move for the government to bringing mass transportation system in the country to a new level, that is to have zero emmission, and compliant to international standards. The matter is not to be argued for, but the succeeding factors should be considered as advantageous to our situation.
The FDI problem of the country can be related to the jeepney modernization by making this program a manufacturing foothold for the country instead of realizing it for the advantage of foreign companies. It will be a program that will lead FDI here and earn more by gaining technology transfer in the automaking industry in the country through partnerships with a rider for technology transfer. That even though, our inquisitive and curious government should adopt a policy of earning technologies brought about by foreign investors to the country and not only sleep on the products being manufactured and not learning them.
By using the program to the subject of FDI is something that it will move increased investment for our advantage.
It is of information that in first few months, the government will subsidize almost 27 billion pesos for the program. If that is true, such an amount can be directed in that fashion and initialize the concept of car manufacturing in the country and realize FDI. It is also of information that such amount in few years more will result to the programs amount of 250 billion pesos (the varying information is inaccurate in many sources),estimated for this program, and amount satisfactory enough to mobilize car manufacturing at this instant.
Why not?
The FDI problem shows that it is a self initiative actually, and things will change for our favor if the government is serious and sensitive enough of using people's money for the benefit of the the common good.
The sweet idea of the self-car manufacturing in the country has multiple advantages, that as cited above, its enormous contribution of the economy once realized will solve the ills of our delayed growth and low in FDIs.
This article is just one part of the FDIs that we need right now, and the jeepney modernization program is actually an opportunity.
"Last June, the Department of Finance estimated that the program would cost P417 billion for the next five years, including the P8-billion subsidy for the purchase of the vehicle and P3.9 billion for the Office of Transport Cooperatives."
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Use CARS fund to subsidize purchase of modernized jeepneys: group
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Transfer of Technology to China:: A Scandinavian and European Perspective
Other super Pilipinas related blogs:
Transfer of Technology to China:: A Scandinavian and European Perspective
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